The Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

The Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

Nov 12, 2023

The Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

Going through menopause can be a challenging time for many women. Fluctuating hormone levels during perimenopause and menopause can cause uncomfortable symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, and mood changes. On top of that, many women find it increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy body weight. your meals

At home At home menopause diet

Understanding how menopause affects your body and health is an important first step. Making smart diet and lifestyle changes can help ease symptoms, improve your overall wellbeing, and make it easier to manage your weight.

This article provides a 5-day sample meal plan tailored for the needs of menopausal women wanting to lose weight. Read on to learn about:

  • How menopause contributes to weight gain
  • Key components of a menopause-friendly diet
  • 5-day meal plan for weight loss
  • Strategies and tips to lose weight during menopause
  • Success stories and lessons learned
  • Frequently asked questions

Let's start by understanding what happens during menopause and why many women gain weight.

Understanding Menopause and Weight Gain

Menopause is a natural transition that all women go through, marking the end of the reproductive years. The term "menopause" refers to the point when a woman has not had a menstrual period for 12 consecutive months.

Perimenopause is the transition time leading up to menopause, which can last several years.

During perimenopause and menopause, your ovaries produce less estrogen and progesterone. These hormonal changes often lead to menopause symptoms like hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness, and mood changes.

They can also contribute to weight gain. Here's why:

Declining Estrogen

Estrogen helps regulate energy expenditure and metabolism. As estrogen levels drop during menopause, many women notice it becomes much easier to gain weight, particularly around the abdomen. Research shows that declining estrogen is associated with increased body fat as well as the loss of lean muscle mass. This makes it more challenging to maintain or lose weight.

Estrogen hormone level. Medical graphic diagram with woman bodyThe Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

Lower Metabolic Rate

Menopause is associated with a slower metabolic rate, meaning your body burns calories less efficiently. Studies show that women can experience a 2-11% decrease in metabolic rate per decade after menopause. A slower metabolism means you need fewer daily calories, so weight can creep up quickly if you don't adjust your diet.

Metabolism vertical scale with top and bottom The Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

Lifestyle Changes

For some women, menopausal weight gain is associated more with normal aging, rather than hormonal changes. As you get older, you may become less physically active. Muscle mass naturally decreases with age.

You may also find your eating habits have changed over the years in ways that encourage weight gain. For example, increased alcohol consumption, larger portion sizes, and a nutrient-poor diet can all contribute to midlife weight gain.

Other Factors

In some cases, menopause weight gain is related to changes in hormone levels like insulin, cortisol, and thyroid. Increased insulin resistance, high cortisol, and low thyroid all make it harder to lose weight.

Chronic stress can also increase belly fat deposition during menopause. For some women, genetics and family history also seem to play a role.

Common Misconceptions

There are a few common myths and misconceptions when it comes to menopause and weight gain:

  • Myth: Menopause inevitably leads to weight gain in all women.
  • Fact: While menopause often makes weight management more difficult, weight gain is NOT unavoidable. Staying active and eating a healthy diet can help minimize menopause weight gain.

  • Myth: Women going through menopause should just accept weight gain as inevitable.
  • Fact: Accepting weight gain can negatively impact your health. Making proactive changes to your lifestyle empowers you to take control of your health during menopause.

  • Myth: Only hormonal factors like estrogen cause menopause weight gain.
  • Fact: Hormonal changes definitely play a role, but decreased metabolism, loss of muscle mass, diet, and other factors also contribute to menopausal weight gain.

The key is that menopause creates metabolic and hormonal changes that make women prone to gaining weight. However, you can take active steps with diet, exercise, and lifestyle to help maintain a healthy weight or lose weight during this transition.

The Basics of the Menopause Diet

To help counteract some of the changes associated with menopause, many women find making smart dietary choices helps with weight management and relieves symptoms. Here are some basic elements to focus on in a menopause diet:

Choose Nutrient-Dense Foods

Aim for a balanced diet packed with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, healthy fats and dairy. These provide the vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytochemicals and antioxidants your body needs.

Healthy eating. The Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

Cut Down on Sugar

Avoid added sugars, sweetened drinks, and excessive carbohydrates like white bread, pasta, pastries and desserts. These spike blood sugar, can worsen menopause symptoms, and lead to weight gain.

Choose or decide to have a healthy lifestyle concept The Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

Increase Plant Foods

Eat plenty of plants like vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, beans, lentils and whole grains. Plant foods provide filling fiber that helps manage hunger and prevents overeating.

Green leaves The Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

Choose Healthy Fats

Include omega-3 fatty acids from fatty fish, olive oil, avocados, nuts and seeds. Avoid saturated and trans fats that can increase inflammation and contribute to heart disease risk.

Fish oil capsules and diet rich in omega-3 The Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

Pick Lean Protein

Choose lean, unprocessed meats, skinless poultry, fatty fish, eggs, legumes, tofu and low-fat dairy for protein. These foods help preserve muscle mass.

Chicken meal Grilled chicken fillet with salad lean protein The Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water and herbal teas. Dehydration exacerbates menopause symptoms like hot flashes. Aim for at least 64 ounces daily.

Fitness, happy or old woman with water bottle The Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

Limit Alcohol

No more than one alcoholic drink per day, as alcohol is high in empty calories. Too much alcohol worsens hot flashes and disrupts sleep.

No alcohol during The Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

Manage Portions

With a slower metabolism, portions need to be smaller to avoid overeating. Use a salad plate for meals, read labels, and weigh yourself regularly.

Making these simple diet tweaks helps provide the nutrients you need during menopause while preventing weight gain. It also helps relieve symptoms.

For example, eating foods rich in phytoestrogens like tofu, beans and flax can minimize hot flashes. Staying hydrated curbs symptoms like fatigue.

Absurdly Small Diet Meal The Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

Planning to Lose Weight During Menopause

Wanting to lose excess weight gained during menopause is extremely common. However, you need realistic expectations about the pace of weight loss over the age of 45. Here are some tips:

Set a Reasonable Goal

A loss of 1/2 to 2 pounds per week is a healthy goal. Avoid extreme diets promising faster weight loss, as these aren't safe or sustainable. Losing at a slow, steady rate leads to lasting results.

Focus on Body Composition

Your weight on the scale may not change much, but you can still lose fat and gain lean muscle through exercise. Focus on how your clothes fit and how you feel for progress.

Be Patient

It takes time to reverse menopause weight gain. But slow and steady wins the race. Follow a consistent diet and exercise plan week after week to see results.

Make It a Lifestyle

View nutrition and exercise changes as permanent lifestyle adjustments, not a short-term diet. This empowers you to maintain results long-term.

Keep Menopause Symptoms in Check

Stick with the diet strategies that help minimize your menopause symptoms. Being consistent will make it easier to lose weight.

With realistic expectations, consistency, and a healthy sustainable approach, it is possible to lose weight during menopause. Now let's look at the 5-day sample meal plan.

The 5-Day Menopause Diet Plan

This 5-day sample meal plan provides ideas for healthy, nutritious meals and snacks to jumpstart your weight loss. It delivers about 1400 calories per day. The calorie level can be adjusted up or down depending on your own calorie needs and weight loss goals.

Use this 5-day plan to get started, and then you can repeat it, mix and match meals, or continue tweaking it. The key is finding nutritious and delicious foods that make you feel satisfied and empowered.

Day 1: Kickstarting Your Menopause Diet

Breakfast: 1 cup Greek yogurt with 1/2 cup mixed berries and 1 Tbsp chopped walnuts

Snack: 1 medium apple with 1 Tbsp natural peanut butter

Lunch: Tuna salad made with 3 oz tuna, 2 Tbsp mayo, mustard, diced celery, chopped pecans on a bed of salad greens

Snack: 1 oz cheddar cheese and whole grain crackers

Dinner: 3 oz baked salmon, 1/2 cup roasted Brussels sprouts, 1/2 cup cooked quinoa

Beverages: Sip water, herbal tea, or coffee with plant milk throughout the day. Cap caffeine at 2 cups per day. Stay well hydrated by drinking half your body weight in ounces.

Day 2: Integrating Nutrient-Rich Foods

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs with 1 cup spinach and 1/4 avocado mashed on toast

Snack: 1 cup edamame sprinkled with sea salt

Lunch: Lentil soup made with carrots, tomatoes, spinach, and cannellini beans. Paired with a small tossed salad.

Snack: 1 sliced bell pepper with 2 Tbsp hummus

Dinner: 4 oz grilled chicken breast, 1 cup roasted cauliflower and broccoli, 1/2 cup cooked quinoa

Beverages: Herbal tea, water, coffee

Day 3: Managing Cravings and Portions

Breakfast: 2 whole grain waffles topped with 2 Tbsp peanut butter and 1 tsp maple syrup

Snack: 15 whole almonds

Lunch: Veggie sandwich with 2 slices whole grain bread, 3 slices avocado, tomato, sprouts, mustard, and lettuce

Snack: 1 medium orange

Dinner: 3 oz pan-seared cod, 1 cup sautéed kale, 3/4 cup lentils

Beverages: Water, herbal tea

Day 4: Incorporating Balanced Meals

Breakfast: 1 cup nonfat plain Greek yogurt with 1/4 cup mixed berries and 1 Tbsp slivered almonds

Snack: Celery sticks with 1 Tbsp almond butter

Lunch: Burrito bowl with 3 oz shredded chicken, lettuce, tomato, black beans, salsa, and 2 Tbsp shredded cheese on top of 1/2 cup brown rice

Snack: Small apple with 15 pistachios

Dinner: Veggie omelet with 1 egg and 2 egg whites, filled with mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, and 1 oz feta cheese. Served with melon.

Beverages: Water, coffee, herbal tea

Day 5: Establishing Long-Term Habits

Breakfast: Peanut butter smoothie made with 1 scoop plant protein powder, 1 cup plant milk, 1 Tbsp peanut butter, 1 banana

Snack: 1 hardboiled egg

Lunch: Salad topped with 4 oz grilled shrimp, chickpeas, beets, sunflower seeds, and lemon vinaigrette

Snack: Cucumber slices with hummus

Dinner: Vegetarian chili made with beans, veggies, and served over a small baked sweet potato

Beverages: Water, herbal tea, coffee (1 cup)

This meal plan incorporates balanced nutrition to optimize health during menopause. Some key points:

  • Emphasizes plant foods, lean proteins, healthy fats
  • Limits sugar and alcohol
  • Controls portions and calories for weight loss
  • Includes nutritious snacks to manage hunger

Use this 5 day outline as a starting point. Adjust serving sizes, swap different foods, and tweak recipes to find what works best based on your preferences and needs. The key is to make lasting changes that allow you to eat this way long-term.

Menopause Weight Management Strategies

To maximize your chances of weight loss success during menopause, make sure to incorporate other key strategies beyond nutrition:

Exercise Regularly

  • Get at least 30-45 minutes of moderate exercise like brisk walking most days.
  • Add strength training at least 2x per week to build lean muscle mass. Try free weights, resistance bands, or bodyweight exercises.
  • Exercise boosts your metabolism, burns calories, reduces stress, and preserves muscle mass. All help with weight loss!

Mexican Woman Jogging The Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

Manage Stress

  • Stress causes cortisol levels to spike, which leads to increased belly fat storage.
  • Make time for relaxing activities like yoga, deep breathing, meditation, massage, or listening to music.
  • Getting quality sleep of 7-9 hours per night also helps control cortisol and manage stress.

Address Any Thyroid Issues

  • Have your thyroid health evaluated, as imbalanced thyroid hormone disrupts metabolism.
  • Work with your healthcare provider to get low thyroid treated properly if needed.
  • Even if levels are normal, ensuring optimal thyroid health supports weight loss.

Support Healthy Digestion

  • Your gut health impacts metabolism and weight. Eat probiotic foods like yogurt, kefir, kimchi, kombucha, pickles, and sauerkraut.
  • If you experience digestive issues like constipation or bloating, discuss options with your doctor.

With the right eating plan, activity level, stress management, and care for your body, it is realistic to successfully maintain or lose weight during menopause.

Menopause Diet Success Stories

Hearing from other women who have lost weight during menopause can help motivate you on your own journey.

Here are some real-life examples:

Susan C., age 54, lost 20 pounds

"I started gaining weight in perimenopause as my hormones changed. I felt like no matter how little I ate or how much I exercised, I couldn't lose an ounce. I talked to my doctor and switched to a whole food, plant-based diet. I cut way back on refined carbs and sugar. I started walking 4 miles a day and doing yoga classes twice a week. It took about a year, but I lost 20 pounds through the diet and exercise changes. I feel better in my 50s than I did in my 30s!"

Leslie D., age 49, lost 15 pounds

"I thought turning 50 meant I was just destined to be overweight. But when my doctor explained about the hormonal component of menopausal weight gain, it motivated me to take action through my diet. I cleaned up my eating by cutting out fast food and convenience foods and cooking at home more. Meal planning and tracking my calories each day helped a lot with portion control. I also started doing strength training, which really toned up my body. I lost 15 pounds and feel stronger than ever in my late 40s."

Jenny P., age 52, lost 30 pounds

"I was frustrated when I gained 30 pounds in 2 years during perimenopause, despite trying several diets. Walking wasn't cutting it either. Finally my doctor put me on a personalized carb cycling diet to balance my hormones and metabolism. Combining this eating plan with high-intensity interval training (HIIT) 3x a week is what finally allowed me to lose weight. It's been a process because of my hormones, but I'm in maintenance mode now. I have so much more energy since losing the weight!"

The key lessons from these examples include:

  • Work with your doctor on a diet tailored for hormonal changes
  • Consistency and patience are essential; it takes time to reverse weight gain
  • Combining the right diet with effective exercise like strength training or HIIT yields the best results
  • Supporting hormonal balance helps with sustainable weight loss
  • You can be successful at any age; it's never too late!

Use these success stories as inspiration to lose your own menopausal weight. What works for them can certainly work for you with commitment and consistency.

Menopause Diet: Additional Considerations

As you transition to a healthy eating pattern, here are some other things to consider:


Consult your doctor about whether supplements may help. Options include:

  • Calcium and vitamin D for bone health
  • Omega-3 fish oil for heart health and mood
  • B complex to help manage stress
  • Vitamin E and flaxseed may help with hot flashes

Supplements and vitamins The Menopause Diet: 5-Day Plan to Lose Weight

Herbal Remedies

Herbs like black cohosh, ginseng, and red clover may provide relief from hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings for some women. Research is limited though, so discuss risks vs benefits with your doctor.

herbal foods menopausal diet plan

Prescription Options

If menopause symptoms like hot flashes are severe and interfere with sleep and quality of life, prescription medication may help. Discuss options like low-dose antidepressants and vaginal estrogen with your healthcare provider.

Personalized Approach

Make sure your diet addresses any specific symptoms or health conditions you have. For example, if you have osteoporosis, emphasize calcium-rich foods. Tailor your diet if you have diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease. Individualized solutions work best.

Discuss any major diet changes with your doctor to make sure your plan suits your health needs during menopause. Tracking symptoms and staying on top of your health empowers you to make proactive adjustments.

Transitioning from the 5-Day Plan to Long-Term Weight Management

Hopefully the sample 5-day meal plan provided a helpful starting point to jumpstart your menopause diet. But remember, this is a lifestyle change, not a temporary quick fix. Here are some tips to transition to long-term weight management after concluding the 5-day plan

Frequently Asked Questions About the Menopause Diet

Q: What is the menopause diet?

A: The menopause diet is a tailored eating plan designed for women during menopause. It focuses on balancing nutrition to manage menopause symptoms like weight gain, hot flashes, and mood swings. This diet includes strategies like a "5-day plan" for weight loss, emphasizing nutrient balance, symptom relief, long-term health focus, and customization for individual needs.

Q: How does the menopause diet aid in weight loss?

A: The menopause diet supports weight loss through nutrient-dense food choices, portion control, regular physical activity, balanced macronutrients, and addressing menopause-specific weight gain. It also emphasizes hydration and a personalized approach to fit individual metabolic changes and health goals.

Q: Can you describe a 5-day meal plan for the menopause diet?

A: A 5-day menopause diet plan includes balanced meals focusing on lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Each day introduces different nutritional focuses, such as fiber, hydration, protein, healthy fats, and balanced meals for sustainable energy.

Q: Does the menopause diet address menopause-related weight gain?

A: Yes, the menopause diet is specifically designed to counteract menopause-related weight gain. It includes hormonal balance focus, nutrient-rich foods, metabolism-boosting strategies, portion control, regular exercise, and customization according to individual needs.

Q: What are the critical components of a menopause diet plan for weight loss?

A: The critical components include reducing processed foods and added sugars, increasing fiber intake, portion control, regular exercise, incorporating Mediterranean diet elements, meal planning and preparation, customization to individual needs, and monitoring and adjustments for ongoing effectiveness.

Q: How does the menopause diet differ from a regular weight loss diet?

A: The menopause diet specifically addresses the unique challenges of menopause, including hormonal changes and increased risk of weight gain. It focuses on strategies that support overall health during this life stage.

Q: What tips are helpful for successful weight loss during menopause?

A: Key tips include staying physically active, maintaining a balanced and nutrient-rich diet, managing stress, ensuring adequate sleep and hydration, and adjusting the diet to the body's changing needs during menopause.

Q: Can the menopause diet kickstart weight loss in menopausal women?

A: Yes, the structured approach of the menopause diet, focusing on nutrition and lifestyle adjustments, is practical in kickstarting weight loss by addressing the unique challenges of menopause.

Q: How does the menopause diet plan help manage menopause-related symptoms?

A: The menopause diet plan helps manage symptoms by offering nutrient-dense foods that support hormonal balance, reduce inflammation, and meet the specific nutritional needs of this life stage.

Q: What role does a 5-day menopause diet plan play in weight management and overall health?

A: The 5-day menopause diet plan is a structured guide to promote healthy eating habits, support weight management, and provide a comprehensive nutritional approach for women facing the challenges of menopause, impacting both weight and overall health.


  1. Blackwell, T., Yaffe, K., Ancoli-Israel, S., et al. (2006). Relationship of sleep quality and characteristics with weight change in peri- and postmenopausal women: The study of women's health across the nation (SWAN) sleep study. Obesity, 14(10), 1838-1847.
  2. Daley, A., Stokes-Lampard, H., Thomas, A., & MacArthur, C. (2009). Exercise for vasomotor menopausal symptoms. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, (1).
  3. Hou, Q., Li, S., Li, L., Li, J., Sun, X., & Tian, H. (2020). The effect of dietary phytoestrogens on menopausal symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Maturitas, 134, 1–10.
  4. Josse, A. R., Atkinson, S. A., Tarnopolsky, M. A., & Phillips, S. M. (2011). Increased consumption of dairy foods and protein during diet- and exercise-induced weight loss promotes fat mass loss and lean mass gain in overweight and obese premenopausal women. The Journal of Nutrition, 141(9), 1626–1634.
  5. Kiefer, E. M., Hankinson, S. E., Willett, W. C., Kelsey, K. T., Malspeis, S., Spiegelman, D., & Manson, J. E. (2020). Relationships between changes in physical activity and changes in sex hormones in midlife women: The study of women's health across the nation. Cancer Epidemiology and Prevention Biomarkers, 29(5), 930-937.
  6. Maki, P. M., Insogna, K. L., Binford, R. T., Rubin, L. R., Utian, W. H., & Woods, N. F. (2020). Effects of botanical and dietary supplement interventions on menopausal symptoms: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Women's Health, 29(2), 203–214.
  7. Roth, R. A., Kim, B., Beavers, D., Beavers, K., Hansen, D., Nicastro, H., Clure, C., Suen, S., Scholes, D., Sherman, S., & Bateman, L. (2017). A randomized pilot study of prebiotic dietary fiber supplementation for reducing hot flashes. Menopause (New York, N.Y.), 24(7), 801–809.

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Woman menopause symptom info graphic vector poster Woman menopause symptoms infographic. Female climacteric period with irregular menstruation vector poster. Gynecology and healthcare concept menopause  stock illustrations

Additional Resources

North American Menopause Society:

Mayo Clinic - Weight and menopause:

Cleveland Clinic - How to stop menopausal weight gain:

Harvard Health - Controlling menopause weight gain:

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