How Long Should You Wait to Exercise After Tooth Extraction?

How Long Should You Wait to Exercise After Tooth Extraction?

Feb 11, 2024

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How Long Should You Wait to Exercise After Tooth Extraction?

Tooth extraction is a common dental procedure to remove one or more teeth. It is often necessary when a tooth is too damaged to be repaired with a filling or crown. Extractions are also frequently performed to make space for orthodontic treatment like braces.

After a tooth is extracted, a blood clot naturally forms in the empty tooth socket which is the first step in healing. However, this blood clot is fragile especially within the first 24-48 hours. Engaging in strenuous physical activity too soon after your tooth extraction surgery can dislodge the clot and disrupt healing.

So how long should you wait before returning to exercise after a tooth extraction? Here’s what dentists and oral surgeons recommend.

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Why Rest is Crucial After Tooth Extraction

Your dentist or oral surgeon will likely advise you to avoid exercise and strenuous physical activity for at least 24-48 hours after your tooth extraction procedure.

There are two key reasons why rest is so important:

Blood Clot Formation

Within the first 24 hours after the extracted tooth, a blood clot will form in the empty tooth socket. This blood clot serves several vital functions:

  • Stops further bleeding
  • Protects bone tissue and nerves under the gumline
  • Allows new tissue to grow and fill the socket

If this post-extraction blood clot gets dislodged too early, you may experience complications like dry socket which can be extremely painful. Avoiding exercise and physical exertion gives the blood clot time to fully form and stabilize.

Healing Process

After tooth extraction, the healing process takes time as your body works to close up the wound and generate new bone tissue to fill in the socket. On average, initial healing takes 1-2 weeks for an erupted tooth and up to 6 months for an impacted wisdom tooth that requires more involved surgery to remove.

Resuming exercise too soon doesn’t allow sufficient healing of the gums and bone tissues. Premature physical activity can disturb newly formed blood vessels and delay the healing timeline. Resting after oral surgery helps minimize this risk.

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Timeline for Resuming Exercise by Extraction Type

The recommended downtime before you can safely return to working out depends on the type of tooth extracted and surgery involved.

Guidelines from dentists include:

Erupted Tooth Extractions

  • 24 hours post-op: Avoid all exercise and strenuous physical activity like aerobics, weightlifting, sports
  • 3-5 days post-op: Begin with light exercise such as walking
  • 7-10 days post-op: Steadily resume more challenging workouts if healing well

Wisdom Tooth Extractions

  • 24-48 hours post-op: Rest with no exercise
  • 5 days post-op: Gentle exercise like walking or stationary cycling
  • 2 weeks post-op: Gradually resume more intense workouts once healing allows

With multiple wisdom teeth extracted or more involved surgical procedures, you may need to wait longer based on your dentist’s recommendation and how your recovery progresses. Monitor for signs of complications.

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Low-Impact Exercises to Consider After Extractions

Easing back into exercise should be done gradually starting with low-impact activities that don’t put pressure on the extraction site.

As you recover, you can progress to more intense workouts.

Helpful Low-Impact Exercises Post-Extraction

  • Walking
  • Stationary cycling
  • Water workouts like swimming or water aerobics
  • Light yoga or Pilates
  • Gentle bodyweight training without straining

The key is choosing non-jarring cardio that raises your heart rate without a lot of bouncing or sudden head movements that could disrupt healing.

Start with just 10-15 minutes at an easy pace and slowly increase duration and intensity based on how your mouth is recovering. Pain or bleeding are signs to scale back activity.

Blonde girl doing yoga. Blonde girl doing yoga. tooth workout ripl fitness

Pay Attention to Complications When Resuming Exercise

As you ease back into exercise following tooth extraction, be alert for any of these complication signs:

  • Uncontrolled bleeding
  • Intense throbbing pain at extraction site
  • Fever indicating potential infection
  • Bad breath or pus drainage suggesting dry socket

Consult your dentist immediately if you experience swelling, fever, foul odors, or severe unresolved pain. These require prompt treatment to avoid more serious problems.

Otherwise, mild discomfort is normal but should gradually improve within days. Scale back your workouts if pain persists or intensifies when exercising after your extraction procedure.

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Promote Healing Through Proper Oral Hygiene and Care

Good oral hygiene and following your dentist’s post-operative care instructions are vital for prompt healing after having a tooth pulled.

Oral Hygiene Tips

  • Carefully brush using a soft brush
  • Gently rinse with warm saltwater
  • Avoid disturbing the wound with your tongue
  • Follow any special rinse directions

Wound Care Steps

  • Lightly dab extraction area when bleeding
  • Change gauze pads as needed
  • Avoid spit buildup when sleeping

Stick to a soft, lukewarm diet to protect the tender healing area. Hot, spicy, crunchy, or acidic foods that contact the wound can impede healing. Follow dental advice to prevent painful complications.

Why Controlling Blood Pressure Matters

When resuming exercise after oral surgery, pay attention to your blood pressure levels before and after working out. Elevated blood pressure can:

  • Dislodge the post-extraction blood clot
  • Trigger renewed bleeding from tooth socket
  • Worsen swelling and pain

Discuss exercise safety precautions with your medical provider if you have hypertension or take medication to control high blood pressure. Monitor exertion levels closely.

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Special Considerations for Wisdom Teeth Removal

Extracting impacted or partially erupted wisdom teeth is more complicated than pulling erupted teeth. Surgery is often required along with stitches and increased recovery time.

Potential wisdom tooth extraction complications include:

  • Dry socket (severely painful)
  • Infection
  • Nerve injury
  • Sinus problems

Your oral surgeon will provide detailed at-home care instructions for wisdom tooth removal aftercare including appropriate timing for returning to your normal exercise routine.

Typically healing takes 7-14 days for an erupted wisdom tooth and 2-3 weeks for impacted wisdom teeth that necessitate more surgery.

Get follow-up exams to ensure you are healing properly before resuming intense physical activities. Don’t exercise until your dentist gives the OK.

Conclusion – Ease Back Into Exercise Gradually

Give your body sufficient rest after tooth extraction or wisdom tooth removal surgery to allow proper healing and avoid complications.

While light walking can usually resume in 3-5 days, wait 1-2+ weeks before engaging in more intense workouts depending on your specific situation.

Slowly ease back into exercise and closely monitor for worrisome symptoms like uncontrolled bleeding, intense pain or fever.

Maintain good oral hygiene and follow your dentist’s directions during the recovery process.

With proper care, you should be able to gradually return to your normal exercise routine and retain your oral health.

How Long Should You Wait to Exercise After Tooth Extraction ripl fitness

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Should You Wait to Exercise After Tooth Extraction?

It's advisable to wait at least 24-48 hours after tooth extraction before engaging in any physical activity. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for 1-2 weeks to allow the body to heal properly and avoid increased bleeding or pain. Always consult with your oral surgeon about appropriate timelines.

When Can I Start Exercising After a Tooth Extraction?

Start with light walking 3-5 days after less invasive erupted tooth extractions. For wisdom teeth extractions, wait at least 5 days before gentle exercise. Take it easy and don't rush back into strenuous routines prematurely.

Can Exercise After Tooth Extraction Lead to Dry Socket?

Yes, resuming exercise too soon after tooth extraction can lead to dry socket if it dislodges the healing blood clot. This exposes bone and nerves leading to severe pain. Wait until your dentist confirms sites are healed.

Is It Safe to Exercise After Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Upper wisdom teeth sites typically heal in 2 weeks at which exercise can resume. For lower wisdom teeth, wait 3-4 weeks as longer healing times are common. Many wisdom teeth extractions require an even more gradual return to exercise based on your unique situation.

When Can I Return to My Normal Exercise Routine After Oral Surgery?

Most patients can return to their regular exercise routine by 4 weeks post-op assuming cleared by the oral surgeon and no lingering pain or complications. Ease back into strenuous workouts gradually even once given the initial go-ahead.

How Soon After Tooth Extraction Can I Exercise Without Causing Complications?

Exercise sooner than 1 week after a tooth extraction risks complications like severe pain, infection and dry socket. It's important proper healing occurs before taxing the area. Don't go back to exercising until your dentist confirms the extraction site has mended appropriately.

What If I Start Exercising Too Soon After My Tooth Extraction?

Potential issues with exercising too soon include dislodged clots, renewed bleeding, worsened pain, inhibited healing, infection risk and development of painful dry socket in the empty tooth socket requiring further treatment.

When Can I Exercise After Getting My Wisdom Teeth Removed?

For erupted wisdom teeth, wait 5 days for gentle exercise. For impacted wisdom teeth extractions, allow 2-3 weeks before cautious, gradual return to exercise under your oral surgeon's supervision. Significant surgical procedures may necessitate longer delays.

At What Point Should I Stop Exercising When Recovering from Oral Surgery?

Stop exercising immediately if you experience bleeding, severe pain beyond mild discomfort, complications like infection, or other symptoms worrying your dentist. Don't try to push through workouts if symptoms are getting worse or healing feels delayed. Adjust activities based on pain and healing rate.

How Do I Ease Back Into My Exercise Routine After Extracting Multiple Teeth?

Start very conservatively after extracting multiple teeth before taxing healing areas. Begin with gentle walking under 30 minutes for 1-2 weeks after surgery if bleeding/pain have subsided. Only intensify duration or activity with your dentist's express clearance once gum and bone tissues have mended well. Don't rush if recovering from extracting several teeth at once.

How Long Should I Wait Before Exercising After My Tooth Extraction?

Wait at least 24 hours before non-strenuous activity like walking after minor erupted tooth removal, longer for wisdom teeth. Allow 1-2 weeks for bleeding to fully stop before light 30 minute aerobic activity. Wait until your dentist confirms sufficient healing before higher exertion exercise which may require a month or longer. Always listen to your body and scale back activity at the first signs of pain or other complications. Don't take risks trying to exercise too soon, instead exercise smart.

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Expert Perspectives on Exercise After Tooth Extractions

Oral health and continued physical activity should always be balanced carefully during recovery periods following tooth extractions. Learn what the experts highlight as crucial considerations when easing back into exercise routines after oral surgery.

Maintaining Good Oral Health After Extractions is Vital

Tooth extraction is crucial for protecting oral health when teeth are non-restorable. However, excellent oral hygiene after having one or more teeth pulled is imperative for minimizing infection risks and promoting prompt healing.

Be diligent about following all post-op care instructions from your dentist like using prescribed medicated rinses. Follow up as directed to ensure any extraction sites are closing properly with no signs of complications. Don't attempt strenuous activity until your dentist confirms surrounding gum tissues and bone have mended suitably.

Use fresh sterile gauze to gently dab extraction areas that bleed when needed. Keeping the area clean and blood-clot free accelerates the healing cascade. Be patient during the recovery process to avoid painful dry socket issues or worsened inflammation that could delay your return to exercise.

Gradually Resuming Physical Activity

Extraction may necessitate adjusting your exercise routine during the healing phase. Your surgeon will provide guidelines for the post-op timeline based on your unique tooth extraction procedure. They will specify the type of extraction performed and what level of physical activity is appropriate to work back to gradually.

As you look to resume your previous exercise regimen, closely monitor pain cues and scale back immediately if symptoms seem exacerbated by increased exertion. It’s important that the post-extraction area has sealed entirely before taxing it with strenuous athletic training to prevent complications.

Avoiding bouncing motions, heavy lifting/Valsalva maneuvers may be recommended for 6-8 weeks with more invasive extractions like surgical wisdom tooth removal. Always follow your dentist's instructions about appropriate activities.

Open female mouth during oral checkup at the dentist ripl fitness

Why Oral Surgery Effects Exercise Timelines

Tooth extraction surgery, especially wisdom teeth removal, necessitates sufficient healing before patients can exercise normally without risks. Surgeons advise avoiding physical exertion when extraction may necessitate adjusting your exercise routine during the healing phase.

Your surgeon will provide guidelines for the post-op timeline based on your unique tooth extraction procedure. They will specify the type of extraction performed and what level of physical activity is appropriate to work back to gradually.

As you look to resume your previous exercise regimen, closely monitor pain cues and scale back immediately if symptoms seem exacerbated by increased exertion. It’s important that the post-extraction area has sealed entirely before taxing it with strenuous athletic training to prevent complications.

Avoiding bouncing motions, heavy lifting/Valsalva maneuvers may be recommended for 6-8 weeks with more invasive extractions like surgical wisdom tooth removal.

Always follow your dentist's instructions about appropriate activities. recovery to prevent painful complications like dry socket which delays getting patients back on their feet.

After a fully erupted tooth extraction, patients can usually ease back into light activity within a few days.

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However, it's vital to wait longer when recovering fromwisdom tooth extraction surgery involving sutures and impacted teeth fused to bone or other anatomy.

Surgeons highlight that can't go back to exercising normally until gum and bone tissues have fully closed extraction sites. Tissue healing requires 1-3 months depending on individual factors.

Attempting vigorous training too soon can disturb stabilized blood clots essential for mending injuries. This leads to worsened swelling, necrosis, infection and protracted recovery delays.

Be sure to discuss your unique tooth extraction details with your oral health providers regarding safe physical activity timeframes. Follow their expert guidance to avoid impeding your post-tooth extraction healing.

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Buckley, Michael J., DMD, MD. "How Long Should You Wait to Exercise After a Tooth Extraction?" Buck Oral Surgery,, 14 Aug. 2023,

Bratter, Dr. Brad. "Post-Tooth Extraction: When Can I Exercise?" Dr. Brad Bratter, DDS,, 29 Sept. 2022

"Why Can't I Exercise After Oral Surgery & Tooth Extraction?" Oral Surgery of Utah,, 27 Feb. 2020

"How Long Should You Wait to Exercise After a Tooth Extraction?" Medico M.D.,, 25 July 2023

"Is It Safe to Exercise After Oral Surgery & Tooth Extraction?" Ali Alijanian, DDS,, 25 June 2021